Employee Wellbeing
August 15, 2023

20 questions for your employee wellbeing survey (staff questionnaire)

20 questions you can use in your next employee wellbeing survey.

Hilda Bahringer
4 minutes

What is an employee wellbeing survey?

An employee wellbeing survey is a valuable tool used by organisations to assess the physical, mental, financial and emotional health of their workforce.

This survey gathers insights directly from employees about various aspects of their wellbeing, including job satisfaction, work-life balance, stress levels, access to support resources, and overall feelings of engagement. By soliciting honest feedback through these surveys, companies can gain a deeper understanding of their employees' needs, concerns, and preferences.

The data collected from these surveys helps organisations identify areas of improvement, develop targeted initiatives to enhance employee wellbeing, and create a more supportive and positive work environment. Ultimately, an employee wellbeing survey serves as a bridge between employers and their workforce, promoting open dialogue and fostering a workplace culture that values the holistic health of its employees.

The importance of an employee wellbeing survey

The importance of an employee wellbeing survey lies in its ability to uncover crucial insights that can significantly impact both employees and the organization as a whole. By gauging employee satisfaction, mental health, work-life balance, and overall wellbeing, these surveys provide a direct avenue for employees to voice their concerns and needs.

This information empowers employers to make informed decisions aimed at improving workplace conditions, fostering a supportive atmosphere, and enhancing the overall employee experience. Moreover, the data collected helps organisations identify potential issues before they escalate, reducing turnover rates, boosting productivity, and promoting a positive organisational culture.

By prioritising employee wellbeing through these surveys, companies demonstrate their commitment to the health and happiness of their workforce, resulting in improved morale, retention, and ultimately, business success.

How often to do an employee wellbeing survey

The frequency of conducting an employee wellbeing survey depends on several factors, including the organization's size, industry, and the nature of its workforce. Generally, conducting these surveys annually or semi-annually can provide a comprehensive view of the evolving needs and concerns of employees.

Regular surveys allow organisations to track trends over time and assess the effectiveness of implemented initiatives. However, in rapidly changing environments, more frequent surveys might be necessary to address immediate challenges. Strike a balance between survey frequency and preventing survey fatigue; too many surveys can lead to reduced participation and less accurate responses.

Ultimately, the goal is to establish a rhythm that ensures timely insights while allowing enough time for the organisation to take meaningful actions based on survey results.

The questions

  1. How satisfied are you with the overall work environment and culture at our company?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current level of job satisfaction?
  3. Are you able to maintain a healthy work-life balance in your current role?
  4. Do you feel adequately supported by your immediate supervisor or manager?
  5. How often do you experience stress or burnout due to work-related factors?
  6. Are you aware of the mental health resources and support available to you at the company?
  7. Do you feel comfortable discussing your mental health concerns with your colleagues and superiors?
  8. Are you satisfied with the opportunities for professional development and growth within the company?
  9. How often do you engage in physical activities to maintain your physical health?
  10. Are you satisfied with the level of flexibility you have in terms of work hours and location?
  11. How well do you believe the company promotes a diverse and inclusive workplace?
  12. Do you feel that your workload is manageable and reasonable given your role?
  13. Are you aware of the company's policies regarding breaks and time-off?
  14. Have you experienced any instances of harassment or discrimination in the workplace?
  15. How satisfied are you with the communication channels and feedback mechanisms in the company?
  16. Are you aware of the available resources for financial wellness and planning?
  17. How often do you feel a sense of belonging and camaraderie with your colleagues?
  18. Are you satisfied with the opportunities for recognition and rewards within the company?
  19. How well do you think the company supports your overall wellbeing, including physical, mental, and emotional aspects?
  20. Would you recommend our company as a positive and supportive workplace to others?


In conclusion, the utilization of employee wellbeing surveys represents a pivotal step toward nurturing a healthier and more productive workplace environment. These surveys serve as a proactive approach for organisations to comprehensively assess the multifaceted dimensions of their workforce's health – encompassing physical, mental, financial, and emotional aspects.

By directly engaging employees through these surveys, organisations can glean authentic insights into their needs, concerns, and preferences. The amassed data acts as a guiding compass, enabling companies to identify areas for enhancement and craft precisely targeted initiatives that bolster employee wellbeing. As a result, a workplace culture that values holistic health is cultivated, where open dialogues flourish between employers and their workforce.

These surveys not only contribute to improved morale and retention but also instill a positive organisational ethos, reducing turnover rates and amplifying overall business success. Striking a harmonious balance between survey frequency and avoiding fatigue is essential, ensuring a timely pulse on evolving employee needs while affording sufficient time for informed actions to be taken based on the feedback.

In this way, the questions posed in these surveys transcend mere inquiries – they encapsulate a concerted effort to uplift the entire workforce and propel both individuals and organisations towards sustained growth and prosperity.

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