Employee Wellbeing
April 21, 2023

20 tips for a great employee engagement survey that actually gets responses

Make your next employee engagement survey a smash hit with these tips.

Hilda Bahringer
2 minutes

Employee engagement surveys are an essential tool for measuring employee satisfaction and identifying areas for improvement in the workplace. However, getting employees to actually respond to these surveys can be a challenge. Here are 20 tips for creating a great employee engagement survey that actually gets responses:

  1. Keep it short and simple: Aim for a survey that can be completed in 10 minutes or less.
  2. Make it anonymous: Employees are more likely to provide honest feedback if they know their responses are anonymous.
  3. Communicate the purpose: Let employees know why the survey is being conducted and how their feedback will be used.
  4. Offer incentives: Consider offering a small reward, such as a gift card, for completing the survey.
  5. Ask specific questions: Avoid vague questions and ask for specific examples.
  6. Use a mix of question types: Use a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scales.
  7. Avoid leading questions: Avoid questions that suggest a particular answer or bias.
  8. Be inclusive: Consider the diversity of your workforce and ensure that the survey questions are relevant to all employees.
  9. Test the survey: Have a small group of employees test the survey before distributing it to the entire workforce.
  10. Offer translations: Consider offering translations of the survey in languages other than English.
  11. Allow for comments: Include open-ended questions that allow employees to provide additional feedback.
  12. Use clear and concise language: Avoid using technical jargon or complex language.
  13. Provide context: Provide context for the questions to help employees understand their relevance.
  14. Include both positive and negative questions: Include questions that ask about both positive and negative experiences.
  15. Set realistic expectations: Let employees know how long the survey will be available and when they can expect to receive results.
  16. Send reminders: Send reminders to employees who have not yet completed the survey.
  17. Use a reputable survey tool: Use a reputable survey tool that ensures the confidentiality of employee responses.
  18. Ensure data security: Ensure that survey data is stored securely and protected from unauthorized access.
  19. Share results: Share the results of the survey with employees and let them know how their feedback will be used.
  20. Take action: Use the survey results to identify areas for improvement and take action to address employee concerns.

By following these tips, employers can create a great employee engagement survey that encourages employees to participate and provides valuable insights into the workplace.

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